Bravar-Mont LLC

Art,      modern function,      and construction      -      Tradition    ●    Experience    ●    Quality    ●    Engineering    ●    Advising
Art,      modern function,      and construction      -      Tradition    ●    Experience    ●    Quality    ●    Engineering    ●    Advising


BRAVAR-MONT LLC was founded in 1990 in Kučine, near Solin. It has recently moved to Mravince, near Solin. We have been active for the last 30 years and we are proud of our work ethics and a large number of successfully completed projects.

We are creating long-term, beautiful, unique and functional solutions based on the precise measurements from the project locations, calculations of bearing capacity/stability, presentation of 2D/3D drafts and final craftsmanship.

We also offer our measurement, calculation, drafting, modeling and advising services to other similar businesses who want to provide a top-class service for their customers.

We are proud of our long-term colaboration with a plethora of well-known architects, designers, engineers and artists.

We prefer to let our work do the talking. The best proof of quality of our work is a large number of satisfied customers and that has been our motto for almost half a century of experience.

for Bravar-Mont:
Ivica Marković, mag. ing. mech.


„Every day, through our whole lives, we are in contact with numerous metalwork products and we believe those products have to be made profesionally and with care. We are proud of our widely recognized status and reputation. The quality of our craftsmanship and design has been recognized by a variety of local and international customers."

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